Guiamos tu empresa para cumplir con tu estrategia de salida

¿Quieres saber cómo valorar tu empresa, prepararte para una adquisición y establecer contactos con inversores de la industria?

Únete a nosotros en este workshop gratuito, donde podrás aprender como preparar tu negocio para su venta y participar a un networking muy exclusivo con inversores de la industria y empresas interesadas en hacer adquisiciones.

Podrás aprender de primera mano cómo valorar de forma realista tu empresa y conocer a posibles inversores interesados en adquirir operadores del mercado español.

The Exit Door es una sesión de dos horas dedicada a los operadores de alquiler a corto plazo interesados en adquisiciones y consolidación de portfolios.

Marbella · 21 Febrero, 2024

Andalucia LAB


¿Porqué tienes que participar a Exit Door?

Valoración de tu empresa

Aprende de los principales expertos como determinar el valor de tu empresa

Entiende el proceso de adquisición

Aprende cuales son los pasos para preparar tu negocio para una futura venta

Entiende que buscan los inversores

Entiende cuales son KPI y las métricas que más interesan a los inversores

Encuentra a potenciales inversores

Participa al networking y obtén el feedback de potenciales inversores

MIÉRCOLES 21 FEBRERO, 17.30 - 19.00

Programa y Speakers

Ivan Givelet

Consultant and Business Developer AJL Atelier

Preparing for Exit

To sell your Property Management Company requires anticipation and preparation.

From optimising internal operations to studying the external environment, several aspects turn to be more complex than others, such as combining and perfecting the financial books.

The AJL Atelier’s team will share several tips among the Preparing for Exit journey.

As part of the AJL Atelier team, Ivan Givelet advises short-term rental property managers regarding the optimization of operations, their profitability objective, and the sale of their business.

With his team, he also supports SaaS and Services solutions (PMS and others) in their strategy and positioning in a competitive and constantly evolving market.

Richard Vaughton

Founder Yes Consulting

What is your company worth?

Richard will help attendees to realistically value their short-term rental property management company. Learn where your company sits and what elements of your business acquirers are looking at.

Richard has over 25 years experience in the short term rental sector. During his career he has founded, owned and exited rental management companies with closing on one thousand properties. He is founder of Rentivo Group, a rental software company, which has been recently acquired and in this period has been contracted to a number of well known, funded, tech and accommodation companies. Currently a board advisor, working under the Yes Consulting banner, with a focus on growth, technology and exit positioning.

Jannich Friis Petersen

Jannich Friis Petersen

investor and Advisor

Going through a Successful Exit

My EXIT-story begins when I as a new co-owner set a new strategy with my partners for improvement of performance and transparency of assets for with an aim to appear on the radar of investors. Two years later these efforts lead to a sales process with tough negotiations, thorough due diligence process and a satisfying signing.

Jannich Friis Petersen has a background as CEO and part-owner in, a platform that advertised +25.000 holiday homes from Spain to more than 20 million users globally, delivering more than 300.000 bookings and enquiries yearly. In 2021 the company was successfully sold to Holidu and Jannich works as an investor and an advisor to the holiday industry within strategy, sales and online marketing.

James Weatherby

Sales Manager, EMEA at KeyData

Does the Data Stack Up?

Does your location appeal to prospective buyers? Where are the trends headed across Spain? 

James Weatherby of Key Data Dashboard will provide the essential market insights to identify supply and demand across Spain. Discover what the data means for your local market, your company and your exit strategy.

James Weatherby has many years of experience in the short term rental industry, focused on building and scaling multinational sales teams from a SaaS / PMS perspective, until his recent move to Key Data focusing on BI tools and market data.


¿Quien debería participar a Exit Door?


Inversores o empresas, en busca de property managers y operadores interesados en vender su actividad o portfolio

Property Managers

Property Managers y operadores con un portfolio entre 25 y 300 unidades, interesados en aprender cómo valorar su negocio, y encontrar potenciales inversores/adquirentes


Confirma tu ticket para Exit Door España